Effects of Affection

Being cognizant of how much affection you’re giving, and what's happening in the moments you’re giving it, is the single most relevant factor contributing to all other areas of our dog's behavior.

Affection needs to be reserved for reinforcing desirable behaviors, or for a calm state of mind.  When we try to sooth our dog out of an anxious state or reassure our dog out of aggression with soft energy and affection, we’re actually telling our dog that we like that behavior and we want more of it.

Affection and coddling in the wrong moments can be confusing and put a lot of unnecessary pressure on your dog because canine culture is based in a hierarchy.  This means if dogs don’t perceive strong leadership then their instincts compel them to fill that role or be crushed under the pressure of a job they’re not cut out for.

The instinctual need to take charge can be very stressful on your dog. It can propel a dog into a downward spiral across a wide spectrum of severe unbalanced behaviors.

As such, it is incumbent upon us to love our dogs through leadership. Our dogs will feel safer when we take control and show them our calm strength in stressful situations.  So please be mindful about how and when you’re giving affection to your canine family members. They’re relying on you to feel safe, secure, and confident.


The Power of Stillness