Training Strategy

You will see us posting or talking on instagram stories about our various training principles like The 51% Principle, The Caravan Effect, Engagement, Structure, Movement, Effects of Affection, Stillness, Gut/Brain Connection, Power of the Pack, Canine Culture, Conditioned Response, Operant Conditioning, Canine Communication, Primal Needs, Sense of Purpose, Instinctual Drives, Pressure, and Rewards.

Pay close attention when we write or talk on these topics.  Whenever you hear us say, “This is an important principle”, Take note, because grasping each of them is having one thing to know ten thousand things. When you start to see how these simple principles relate to one anther, you begin to comprehend the whole dog and all the elements that need to be considered for an effective dog training and rehabilitation strategy.


The Caravan Effect

